Crisis Communication & Crisis PR Munich
There is no such thing as a “crisis”. It is a collective term for various adversities from blackmail to data loss, from industrial espionage to the publication of confidential internal information, from product recalls to media scandals and revelation stories. However, the goal is always the same: Solve the crisis as early and professionally as possible.

Acute crisis communication
Crises are newsworthy – that’s what makes them so dangerous and unpredictable for image and reputation. Crises can take on a thousand faces. What they all have in common is that the media, customers, partners, authorities and even employees expect information, transparency and credible solutions to the crisis very quickly. Today, this communication & relationship management is more complex and demanding than ever. We develop strategic communications solutions to enable you to succeed in these complex fields of relationships and activities in the best possible way. Our crisis communication guide provides answers to key questions on the subject of crisis communication. In addition, our crisis communication checklist shows the most important steps for successful communication management in the event of a crisis.
In acute crisis communication, we support you with the following services:
- First responder function in a crisis: on-site consultation in the company and initiation of the first important steps in the acute situation
- Immediate control of media inquiries and social media communication
- Strategic consulting on all issues of crisis communication and reputation management
- Realisation and management of all internal and external communication flows (crisis PR)
- Editing, designing and organisation of all materials (e.g. press releases, FAQ, staff mailings, town halls, training presentations, etc.)
- Member of the crisis team
- Interview training on crisis
- Social media crisis communication
- External press office in a crisis
- You can find further information on this topic in our Crisis Communication Guide and the Crisis Communication Checklist.
Product recalls
Various economic, legal and social developments are contributing to the fact that companies are increasingly having to address product-related risk potential. The ongoing and committed work of organizations and institutions such as Greenpeace, Stiftung Warentest or foodwatch also contributes to this. A product problem inevitably presents a company with two central and critical challenges: In addition to civil and criminal liability issues, it is primarily the impact on the image, reputation and tangible as well as intangible corporate assets. Our expertise lies in the development of suitable solution models for product recalls. Effective in communication and legally protected. Our product recall guide provides answers to key questions.
In addition, our product recall checklist shows the most important steps to take in the event of a recall.
We offer the following services for product recalls:
- Development of a suitable recall strategy in coordination with companies and lawyers
- Management of all internal and external communication flows
- Implementation and handling of the entire communication process (e.g. across the entire supply chain and the often multi-level distribution)
- National and international implementation of crisis PR
- Coordination of all activities and supervision across all areas
- Editing and design of all crisis-related materials, e.g. advertisements, press releases, mailings, customer information and websites/microsites
Media training
“The difference between the correct word and the almost correct word is as great as the difference between a flash of lightning and a firefly.” This saying by Mark Twain plays a decisive role in crisis communication. It applies to any form of communication but is particularly difficult to ensure in its verbal version. Therefore, professional preparation for dialogues, discussions, interviews and TV recordings is essential for all leaders, managers and speakers.
We work with the leading media trainers and help our clients feel confident and cut a good figure in the spotlight in uncertain times.
Our services:
- Statement training: Getting to the heart of key messages
- Camera training: Confident appearance on TV
- Interview training: Be prepared for investigative and critical questions
- Media training: Becoming a professional in dialogue with journalists
Rules of crisis communication
Communication plays a particularly key role in crises. Because not communicating or doing the wrong thing increases the wave of scandal. Experience shows: The problem is not the problem, but how you deal with it. For more than 15 years, we have been supporting companies, organizations, associations, corporations as well as medium-sized businesses in successfully communicating crises. We have summarized the rules and guidelines underlying crisis communication in our white paper on crisis communication, which you are welcome to order from us free of charge. Answers to key questions on the subject of crisis communication can be found in our Crisis Communication Guide. In addition, our crisis communication checklist shows the most important steps for successful communication management in the event of a crisis.
Our whitepaper (German)
Crisis Communication –
The supreme discipline

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